⚡️ Ideas
Rafał Olenderski Rafał Olenderski Dec 17, 2024

Weekly, quarterly, annual goals planning and reviews

Explain the problem as you see it

If we are using Tana for task, project, life management in long term we may face with situation that we actually planning our life, task, projects without goals and reviews. We don't have actually thing to planning and link our tasks to weekly goals, weekly goals to quarterly goals, quarterly goals to annual goals with easy click to review spend time on specific goals, area, supertag, tag.

Why is this a problem for you?

  • We cannot check ours goals in easy, intuitive and fast
  • Also we cannot see them to plan our week with focus on our goals to remember them to stay on track
  • We also cannot We need to find workaround that are not intuitive or use different apps for that or use other tools or combine different tools
  • Now it's a little chaotic to combine our weekly, quarterly, annual goals
  • Now it's hard to count our time spend on specific area (tag, supertag)

Suggest a solution

Weekly, quarterly, annual goals that may be implemented with planning and review of that goals. Weekly planning that align weekly goals, that we may combine to quarterly that may be align to annual goals.

Also something like our summary that we may see what was done what was not, what is to improve, what we shall change, what wasn't goes what we thought, what was not achieved in specific period of time week, quarter and year.

The feature might count our time on:

  • supertag
  • tag

That reviews would be saved similar like daily notes and we might check every our saved review with summary.

That will help to focus on things that are important for us also it might increase user experience.

Reference that similar feature was implemented is Sunsama but only weekly goals and review.