⚡️ Ideas
Clark Rose Clark Rose Nov 25, 2024

URL Capability in node description

Explain the problem as you see it

Having a quick backlink access to an external URL or an internal link from a node has more friction than what I'm used to.

Why is this a problem for you?

I come from Workflowy, and as much as Tana is a huge upgrade, having the ability to add a URL right from the node description is an incredible time saver!

Suggest a solution

Provide the ability to add hyperlinks in a node description like in the link shared below:

⁨4⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

In reply to Clark Rose Clark Rose

Right sorry Clark, I clicked on the workflowy link above and it's the same functionality as we have. In Tana it's even quicker as you don't have to complete all of thse steps CleanShot 2024-11-25 at 09.54.42.gif

Instead, in Tana just highlight any text of any node (wherever it is, parent or child), and paste the URL over it to create a link CleanShot 2024-11-25 at 09.57.05.gif

But if you mean specifically having urls in Tana node descriptions, yes that's not possible yet! Currently you can't add a live link in the node description in Tana. CleanShot 2024-11-25 at 10.00.25@2x.png. Not sure if this will be added with the functionality we have, but generally url nodes will continue to be worked on, will add this as an idea.

Let me know if I have got it, or if there's anything else

In reply to M Matt M

Thank you for letting me know about the hyperlink shortcut! I didn't know about it! Workflowy also offers a shortcut for it (JFYI)
I was referring to the hyperlinks/urls in the node descriptions yes!
Thanks for letting me know, I do find it beneficial for simpler nodes that don't require fields