⚡️ Ideas
Kevin Gray Kevin Gray Mar 9, 2023

A dynamic expression of time in live search

Explain the problem as you see it

Like many people, I use tana to track actions. In my case its not just mine but those I have delegated to others.

I want to be able to see the tasks I have allocated to myself. I can do that historically, I can do it for yesterday, today or tomorrow.

But I can not do it for this week. Of the next five working days.

I would like to be able to use relative expressions tied to today’s date (eg today + 4 or today - 6) to be able to define a date range so that I can create custom windows of time in my searches.

Why is this a problem for you?

I don’t being surprised by an action (which may take several days to complete) because it appears in my Complete tomorrow list. I want a kanban board of tasks for today, tomorrow, two days, three days and four days time (each date is a column), so that I can work out what I need to start working on now to be able to finish it on time.

Suggest a solution

Expressions based on the current yesterday, today, tomorrow where I can add or subtract days, weekdays, months or years to that date to calculate a new one