Explain the problem as you see it
Is there a reason why I can't click and drag nodes between groupings? The groupings are essentially always just a field's option form the list? Why can't I drag nodes between groups to set the field in one go? Why do I have to open the nodes and select the field?
Was watching @Ev Chapman spend a few minutes on her timeblocking video making buttons to move nodes between groupings (great video as usual, btw) and was thinking to myself... "Wait, can't I just drag these?" — then tried myself on some related content that I have set to groups (not timeblocking, but rather project stage) and realized I couldn't. Feels like expected behavior.
Also, related to groups and dragging, highlighting this other Idea: https://ideas.tana.inc/posts/210-view-list-draggable-collapsable-group-headers
Why is this a problem for you?
Pain in the butt to change the status... I have to... open a node!? or... make a command button!?
Suggest a solution
Let me just drag and drop nodes between group headings and by doing so, update the node's field.
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