⚡️ Ideas
Cullen Cullen Aug 15, 2024

Number Picker Field for Specific Prioritization / Sorting

Explain the problem as you see it

As far as I am aware, there is currently no way to assign unique numbers to tagged nodes in a way that prevents duplicate numbers.

This is particularly challenging when prioritizing tasks, as it can be difficult to ensure that each priority number is only used once. For example, if I have five, high-priority tasks that I would like to handle in a specific order, it would be nice to be able to assign them numbers 1 - 5, so I can sort on this field, and clearly identify which ones I need to focus on first.

Without this feature, managing task priorities can lead to confusion, as multiple tasks might be assigned the same priority number unintentionally.

Why is this a problem for you?

When managing a prioritized list, I need to assign unique numbers to each item to indicate its priority. Without a number picker field that ensures uniqueness, it becomes cumbersome to manually track which numbers are in use, leading to potential overlaps and mismanagement of priorities.

Suggest a solution

Develop a number picker field in Tana that allows users to assign numbers to tasks, with each number being unique and not duplicated across records. This field should also display available numbers, making it easy to assign priorities without the risk of overlap. This feature will help maintain clear and organized task prioritization, improving overall task management.