Comment #⁨4⁩

I will for you, but it's not something I ever used in Workflowy. All of my presentation work needs visuals and polish (outside of what I believe Tana will arrive it in the next few years). I'm never doing presentations in this simple of a style.

I'm much more interested in having much much more customization in Publish pages. And for them to act like real nodes / outline.

But again, I'll give a vote cause you're into it. :)

  1. In reply to Adam J. Richman Adam J. Richman

    LOL. Now I feel bad. I presumed that you used the Workflowy feature. As I said in my original comment, I'm never going to stop using Keynote. But there are times when I just want to say to a couple of my colleagues, "Hey, come over here, I've got an idea for how to fix this!" and a simple no-frills presentation mode in Tana would be perfect for those scenarios.