⚡️ Ideas

Supertag Configuration with Flows (in the Style of Node-RED)

Explain the problem as you see it

In the current advanced supertag configuration, users are required to remember and manually input special commands. This can be complex and error-prone, especially for those who are not familiar with the specific syntax required.

Why is this a problem for you?

Manually inputting special commands increases the likelihood of errors and can be time-consuming. This process creates a steep learning curve for users, making it difficult to efficiently configure advanced supertags, particularly for those who are less technically inclined.

Suggest a solution

Implement a flow-based interface similar to the canvas with tools used in Node-RED. This visual, drag-and-drop interface would allow users to configure advanced commands by visually connecting and arranging nodes, eliminating the need to remember special syntax and reducing the potential for errors. This enhancement would improve usability, increase efficiency, and make the configuration process more intuitive for all users.