⚡️ Ideas
Lin Gos Lin Gos Mar 7, 2023

Add calendar view

Explain the problem as you see it

Sort by the field I specify, so I can view my todo list as if it were a calendar.

Why is this a problem for you?

The calendar view is a feature I really like in notion, and I wish tana had it

Suggest a solution

By default, you can select the creation time and last modified time as the time key

⁨3⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

I run a content calendar and not being able to see my content in a calendar view has me going back and forth from ClickUp. I want to see my content in my calendar AND see calendars of any other fields I might have in the node. Also, a multiple field calendar view would be amazing, as I could see when my content is pre-produced, produced and published.