⚡️ Ideas
Stan Blues Stan Blues Apr 14, 2024

Aesthetic & Cheap feel - why Tana won't survive long term!

Explain the problem as you see it

Tana feels oddly "loose" and inexpensive.

In today's age, the aesthetic aspect and user viewing experience are crucial factors that determine the survival of a new contender in the market. Just look at the statistics showing how poorly designed apps struggle despite having impressive features – many have either disappeared entirely or are barely staying afloat.

The design aspect will hinder this app from reaching its potential

Everything seems overly intrusive, particularly when it comes to writing and viewing within the outline editor. I won't even touch on the aesthetic appeal of the table, card, calendar view, and other panels. Essentially, everything looks and feels cheap and a bit too "Times New Roman" & Windowy 97. There's also the practicality side as well; the difficulty inputting fields in a database view is a nightmare. There's too many to list.

Why is this a problem for you?

If I'm the only one feeling this way please disregard..

Suggest a solution

You have a gem here but aim to refine the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), making the application more snappy, visually appealing, intuitive, and less cluttered. IMHO if you don't take a series of design and functionality modifications you will be in trouble. You have Notion and Capacities as your go to examples.


As a matter of personal opinion