⚡️ Ideas
Christo Olwagen Christo Olwagen Feb 23, 2024

change end date and time when start changes

Explain the problem as you see it

When you change the start date and/or time on a node, the end date / time must also be changed manually.

Why is this a problem for you?

I synchronise my meetings with Tana to capture notes and link the meeting to the client/project. Now and then the meeting is rescheduled. When I want to update the meeting, I have to update the start date and time as well as end date and time.

Suggest a solution

Proposed Quality of Life improvement
When you change the start date and/or time of a node (event, task etc) change the end date and time to keep the same duration as the original

Meeting scheduled for Fri 23 Feb 10:00 - 12:00 gets postponed to Monday 26 Feb at 11:00. When the user changes the start time and date, automatically update the end time and date to 26 Feb 13:00