⚡️ Ideas
Ghil Ghil Jan 27, 2024


Explain the problem as you see it

It's not a problem. Wait I need to fill all the fields.
It is a problem. I cannot do callouts.

Why is this a problem for you?

Callouts are great at sprucing up writing or quickly put attention to a part of a text!

Suggest a solution

Implementing callouts would be an amazing way of fixing my problem of not having callouts!

⁨1⁩ ⁨Comment⁩

I’m an Obsidian exile, and it might sound odd to say, but what I really miss the most are callouts. They’re often seen as a minor detail, but to me, they’re crucial in my workflow. They enable me to spotlight useful “evergreen” links right at the start of the page for any given topic