⚡️ Ideas
Adam J. Richman Adam J. Richman Jan 26, 2024

Support for Search Operators

Explain the problem as you see it

Only fuzzy search is supported with the "Jump To" (aka Search) palette. This doesn't allow for doing easy specific queries using common operators.

Why is this a problem for you?

I can't find what I want 90% of the time using the "Jump To" (aka Search) palette. Despite knowing exactly what I want 99% of the time, search isn't smart enough to intuit what I need, and without basic search operators I'm left without an easy way to move around the graph fluidly and quickly.

Suggest a solution

Support the common search operators. Some inspiration.

I don't even need all the fancy kinds that Workflowy support.

Minimun would be...

  • " " for specifics
  • - for negatives
  • OR or |
  • AND
  • * wildcards