Comment #⁨3⁩

Echoing @Sam Applebaum's sentiment here. I've come from Roam Research as well—my days are often full of meetings and context switching and I don't always have time to upcycle and structure my notes.

One of the things we use Tana for is to have confidence that we haven't missed any promises made to other people. For example, if I tell [[Rachel]] that I'll get back to her with meeting times, I like that I can run a query for all #tasks tagged with Rachel or her organization. For structured notes, e.g. #meeting, we can auto-populate a #task from the fields on #meeting. However, sometimes requests will come in by email, Slack DM, Whatsapp, etc while I'm doing something else.

In Roam, I'd simply be able to go

  • Replied to [[Rachel]] in Slack indicating I'd get back to her with meeting times
    • [] Look at calendar and give Rachel meeting options for next week

And whenever I'm next in comms with [[Rachel]], be able to query all TODOs associated with her.

However, in Tana, should I forget to populate the task field; this task would dissipate into the ether. While there's a workaround in that I can create a query for all #tasks that aren't associated with a person or an organization, this does give me a greater feeling of anxiety in general when using the system—that important tasks are slipping through the cracks!

Two things would solve this:

  1. Queries that can find descendants of a node containing an inline reference that match a certain criteria.
  2. Ability to auto-populate fields from an inline reference in a parent node.

Arguably #2 creates a more robust data structure!