⚡️ Ideas
Oliver G.A. Oliver G.A. Jan 9, 2024

Sliding Panes (Stacked tabs)

Explain the problem as you see it

Before I switched to Tana a year (!) ago, I was a heavy Obsidian user. One thing I loved about Obsidian was its "Sliding Panes" or "Stacked tabs" layout, which allowed you to sort of "travel" through your notes in a super intuitive way.

Now, Tana's panels are nice and good, but I still miss the sliding panes! And I'm sure others do too.

Why is this a problem for you?

Tana's current viewport panels can be a little finicky and awkward.

Suggest a solution

A way to open nodes in fixed-width stacked and scrollable panes similar to this Obsidian plugin.