⚡️ Ideas
David Chen David Chen Jan 8, 2024

Global toggle to expand all nodes (including child nodes) across the whole app

Explain the problem as you see it

Please make a global toggle to expand all nodes (including child nodes) across the whole app. When users have many backlinks in a particular node, it is very very tedious to open 20+ backlinks individually. Furthermore, at least on the mac os desktop app, after you open up all the collapsed by default nodes and you close out of the app and reload it after some time, Tana collapses all the nodes yet again!

Why is this a problem for you?

It just adds so much friction and pain and prevents us from reading through notes quickly and seeing all the organic links because I have to individually expand all the nodes one by one to see the actual contents. Giving users the choice to expand all nodes (including child nodes) globally across all notes would allow users who want to quickly browse all backlinks/references and nodes to do so without having to expand each individual note one by one.

Suggest a solution

Please make a global toggle to expand all nodes (including child nodes) across the whole app.