⚡️ Ideas
Yam Lam Yam Lam Dec 9, 2023

Enabling Access to Tana's AI Functions for Chinese Academic Users Through Custom Routing

Explain the problem as you see it

Most Chinese students & professors cannot directly access OpenAI services. They rely on makeshift forwarding addresses to utilize AI capabilities, circumventing geographic restrictions on OpenAI traffic.

Why is this a problem for you?

This workaround restricts Tana's reach for Chinese academics. Allowing configurable routing would enable full access to Tana's AI for learning/education despite the region blocks.

Suggest a solution

I suggest implementing:

  1. API_URL_REDIRECT setting to route via proxies to OpenAI. This would let Chinese users redirect blocked traffic.


  1. Customizable openai.api_base for user-defined infrastructure routing. Allows customized backends.

Option for users to set API endpoints for non-OpenAI services. Supports future AI backend expansion.
With configurable proxying and routing, Tana could leverage various infrastructure to grant full access despite geographic restrictions. Students & professors would then benefit from unhindered AI capabilities.

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