⚡️ Ideas
Michiel Michiel Nov 23, 2023

Layout options for "Group" feature in Query views

Explain the problem as you see it

When I have a live query and I set a grouped view (for instance, tasks grouped by project), the "Not defined" group item is front and center, taking away attention from the stuff I really want to see. It leaves a large blank space.

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Why is this a problem for you?

The way I use Tana is to see exactly the right things I need to see at a certain time. These UI elements are in the way of that. Every time I open a query like this I have to think about where my information is, disrupting my (work)flow. It's minor, but still very noticable.

Suggest a solution

There are different possible solutions, each more complicated than the other:

  • Having "Not defined" as the last category by default, not the first
  • Being able to hide or disable the "Not defined" category in a view, either as a global setting or per query.
  • Being able to drag and drop the groups to order them > this would have more benefits outside of my request.