⚡️ Ideas
Winston Winston Nov 16, 2023

Quick search within views

Explain the problem as you see it

I have a few predefined Views - tables/lists/kanbans

Often I have 100s of items within them (approaching 1000s actually)

But sometimes I just want to find that one item with a particular keyword - ctrl-F doesn't work because of pagination.

Why is this a problem for you?

It's difficult to find items i want.

Ctrl-S pulls out every item

  • i get too many results and have to scroll through many in order to find what i need.

@keyword is similar to ctrl-S

Editing the query is troublesome because then i'll have to change it back.

Suggest a solution

Notion does this pretty well


On number 5, they have this magnifying glass which can be clicked to show a search-bar. In Tana, I reckon it could be part of 'Filter'.

⁨3⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

On the other hand, in 1.0.15 there's no longer a way to just have the 'filter by title' field stay visible. You have to click into View Options > Filter > Text to add the filter, and if you delete the text there, the whole field disappears.