⚡️ Ideas
Brandon Noad Brandon Noad Nov 12, 2023

Command Labels

Explain the problem as you see it

I like to have descriptive names for commands so I can easily find them using the command line. But when nodes have command buttons, the descriptive names clutter up the UI.

It would be nice if commands had optional labels that are displayed as the button text, but the actual command names are still searchable via the command line. If no label is provided, then the button text would fall back to the command name.

Why is this a problem for you?

The current UI can look a bit cluttered. Tana strives to be "Easy and Beautiful", and this idea aligns with that goal.

Suggest a solution

It would be nice if commands had optional labels that are displayed as the button text, but the actual command names are still searchable via the command line. If no label is provided, then the button text would fall back to the command name.