⚡️ Ideas
Kevin Oberhausen Kevin Oberhausen Nov 10, 2023

Make a field's originating workspace visible when setting Node Filters, etc.

Explain the problem as you see it

I am bringing my first team into Tana, and have run into an issue while building.

Both my personal space and the team workspace have a field "Task Status" for their respective task supertags, and are each in their respective schemas.

When I build a command that filters based on task status, both fields come up as options, and I can see that they both are located in a schema, but not whose schema.

Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 12.04.29 PM.png.

I get the same issue when building search nodes.

Why is this a problem for you?

Can't build blind, adds unnecessary testing to make sure I picked the right field when building. Right now, I can tell because my workspace has more entries with that field, but eventually they will compete and during that phase it will be guesswork.

Suggest a solution

Show the originating workspace for each field next to the number of places the node/field shows up.

⁨1⁩ ⁨Comment⁩

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