⚡️ Ideas
Winston Winston Oct 16, 2023

Allow commands to build commands

Explain the problem as you see it

Sometimes I have flowcharts that I've created in Tana, which I imagine to be able to send to GPT4 and somehow get it turned into a working command flow (with node filters and command nodes) within Tana.

Why is this a problem for you?

It's not really a problem, but looking at the trend of how AI is being used by github in copilot X, or autogen, or replit, etc - these programs have allowed the use of AI to build programs by generating code easily. But this does seem like a pretty tedious feature to even create. I was just trying to imagine what can be created within Tana that is already trending out there in AI which is not replicated anywhere else in a notetaking app.

Suggest a solution

It would be really cool if I could just turn a flowchart or a todo list into a command workflow. Creating commands can sometimes be a little tedious, having to make node filters, etc. But if we can make bespoke commands - commands don't need to be 'advanced' anymore, any basic Tana user will be able to use it.

Other ideas - creating command node flowchart interfaces instead of a flat list: