⚡️ Ideas
Dario da Silva Dario da Silva Sep 29, 2023

Attachment field type

Explain the problem as you see it

There needs to be some basic file storage available in order to become an all-in-one productivity solution for teams.

When working on certain types of project, one needs to be able to add documents into records (i.e. nodes), e.g. a contract PDF.

This is particularly important in a collaborative environment, e.g. a marketing team working on a campaign needs to be able to access media files.

Why is this a problem for you?

I recently worked with someone on a collaborative project, and the other person was using Apple's Hook Productivity to add links to documents. This made me realise that we would have to have a joint storage solution (e.g. Dropbox / GDrive) if we wanted to work on the same files, which would be another SaaS expense (although admittedly, one that most companies would have - still, it would mean leaving the workflow to access another program).

At the moment, one can insert images, but accessing the original image file is cumbersome.

Suggest a solution

A field type for attachments, similar to Airtable, which enables you to add attachments that are easily accessible directly in Tana.