⚡️ Ideas
Brian Meidell Brian Meidell Sep 28, 2023

Default-expanded nodes

Explain the problem as you see it

When entering a node, for example a #day node, all subnodes are collapsed by default.
In some cases - especially for routines like #day, you want visibility instantly, without having to manually expand a (for example) "Tasks for Today" search node every time you open a new day.

Why is this a problem for you?

It's friction. It makes it impossible to create nodes that are rapidly navigatable overviews, without trying to avoid nesting nodes, which seems counter to the spirit of nodes.

Suggest a solution

Make a property on nodes that is something like "default collapsed" (current way it works) or "default open".

Let me override this setting on each instance of the node, when I make references.

So, when a node is opened for the first time, it looks at its subnodes, and checks in this order:

  • Is there a saved layout? if yes, go with that
  • Are there specific default-collapsed/expanded on any of the node references? If yes, go with those
  • Do any of the nodes have default-collapsed/expanded set? if yes, go with that

That way, I can make a #day with a Tasks search node that is always expanded when I open the #day.
I can also make it so #task's are default expanded, but in my search node, I can override that and collapse them. And I can always manually set the layout and it will be stored.

⁨2⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

I currently solve this using custom gestures via BetterTouchTool:
2 Finger Swip right = Expand all
2 Finger Swip left = Collapse all

That way I set the cursor into the node I want to expand, swipe right and can view everything, once I'm done, I swipe left and close it up again. Easy, quick, instant, no thinking, no friction (in my view).

If this helps you, consider upvoting this issue, which would speed up the above workflow even more: https://ideas.tana.inc/posts/452-collapsing-of-collapsed-node-should-collapse-parent-node

Thanks and all the best