⚡️ Ideas
Carl Joseph Carl Joseph Mar 4, 2023

More dynamic search nodes by allowing them to reference another field's data

Explain the problem as you see it

I am unable to have a search node in my #meeting supertag that draws together all the #task nodes that mention a particular participant.

>AssignedTo (instance of People)

>Participants (instance of People)
*Search (all #task where >AssignedTo is in >Participants)

You start a #meeting and list all the >Participants of that meeting. Your #meeting supertag then displays all the related #tasks drawn from mentions any of the >Participants you’ve added to the list.

Screen Shot 2023-02-21 at 10.32.17 pm.png

Why is this a problem for you?

I can only collect all the #task nodes and display that in my #meeting. It is difficult to then quickly isolate which ones are relevant for the people I am meeting with.

Suggest a solution

Imagine you could have a search criteria where you can specify FIELD_1 = FIELD2 or FIELD_1 is in FIELD2.

This essentially creates a dynamic search result where you can use a supertag attribute as part of the WHERE clause

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