⚡️ Ideas
Gezim Hoxha Gezim Hoxha Sep 21, 2023

Audit log in today's tab for touched top-level-nodes

Explain the problem as you see it


I've always struggled with where I should put a note in. Do I put it into the page that the node is related to or put it in today's date and reference the node it relates to?

Why is this a problem for you?

I want to know what I worked on on a specific date.

Suggest a solution

I would love an "audit log" to show up on my today's page. It would show me pages I've edited. This means I could go on 1st of September, 2022 and easily find out what I was thinking/working on.

⁨1⁩ ⁨Comment⁩

I am not sure if this will solve your problem, but I have search nodes in my day tag that show me all nodes that meet the criteria [[edited last x days]] or [[done last x days]]. i filter these for nodes with specific supertags, but a quick check suggests that it will pick up ALL nodes if you don't filter the search.