⚡️ Ideas
Darren Brierton Darren Brierton Sep 15, 2023

Ability to hide Title column in table view of live search

Explain the problem as you see it

There are specific circumstances in which the Title column in a table is redundant. It would be good to have the option to hide it.

Why is this a problem for you?

Let's say I have a task that repeats frequently, but irregularly, perhaps to pay some vendor, "ACME Manufacturing". Whenever they invoice me I create a reminder "Pay ACME Manufacturing" with fields for due date, amount, invoice number. I want to always use the same title, because in all other view and search nodes it is immediately apparent what it is.

But when I want to search for all instances of this, and see how much I have paid them over a specific amount of time, my table looks like this:

Title                       Due date          Amount
Pay ACME Manufacturing      Mon, 4 Sept       456
Pay ACME Manufacturing      Wed, 6 Sept       987
Pay ACME Manufacturing      Fri, 8 Sept       678

The first column is wholly redundant in this particular search and takes up a lot of room, but there is no way to hide it.

Suggest a solution

The ability to hide the Title column of tables just like all other columns can be hidden.

⁨1⁩ ⁨Comment⁩

Would be nice if we could have a setting to "turn off 'build title from fields' in tables"

Background: I prefer to see the "challenge" in the title on daily basis (when I see individual nodes), but it's very much redundant in a table (exercise overview), where I'd rather just see it in the column rather than the node. This gets exacerbated if you build titles from multiple fields
