⚡️ Ideas
Darren Brierton Darren Brierton Sep 15, 2023

`next xx days` and `last xx days` arguments for FOR RELATIVE DATE in live searches

Explain the problem as you see it

At the moment FOR RELATIVE DATE is tied to searching in terms of weeks or months, but often I am interested in a time period x days in the past, or x days in the future, regardless of what day of the week it is, or what date of the month it is.

Why is this a problem for you?

  1. Search nodes that show (for example) events coming up in the next few days are extremely useful in a #day node.
  2. If I am tracking my progress in a recurring activity, an exercise like pushups or squats for example, I may wish to attach a search node to that exercise that shows my last few exercise sessions.

Both those searches are not easy to achieve at the moment, although they strike me as common use cases.

For the forthcoming events I can search for next week with FOR RELATIVE DATE next week, but if it's Monday that won't show me anything for this week. I can instead search for FOR RELATIVE DATE this week OR FOR RELATIVE DATE next week, but if it is Friday that will also show events from the past four days. So I have to instead search for NOT LT FOR RELATIVE DATE today AND (FOR RELATIVE DATE this week OR FOR RELATIVE DATE next week). Not only is this needlessly complex, it still doesn't really show me what I want, as on Monday it shows me what is happening in the next 14 days, and on Sunday it shows me what is happening in the next 7 days.

For the exercise example, it is even harder. Let's say I lift weights, and want to track my progress. I don't want to see every weight-lifting session since I started using Tana, I'm probably just interested in my last few sessions, so I can see what sort of progress I am making. The best it seems I can do though is search for FOR RELATIVE DATE last week OR FOR RELATIVE DATE this week. Assuming that I work out regularly, what I probably want to see is something like the last 28 days.

Suggest a solution

Please add next xx days and last xx days as possible arguments for FOR RELATIVE DATE.

⁨3⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

Supported - I would use it for planning and review purposes that span two weeks or 2 months or quarterly milestone planning. I know some people also work in 45 day cycles rather than 90 days (one quarter)