⚡️ Ideas
Jason‎‎ B Jason‎‎ B Sep 12, 2023

Capture by forwarding an email

Explain the problem as you see it

Many tasks come in through my email. Copying/pasting then setting workspace, tag, etc is cumbersome.

Why is this a problem for you?

This friction means that I don't capture all of the tasks I should.

Suggest a solution

I would like to be able to forward them to easily capture new notes. Potentially I could define which workspace/tag/etc should be applied through adding + to the end of the email.

E.g. randomaccountstring+.workspace#tag1#tag2@tanacapture.com

Adding such an email as a contact would mean I can add a task with the correct metadata and with all relevant context with just a couple keystrokes.

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