⚡️ Ideas
Winston Winston Sep 8, 2023

Capturing to Live Search Nodes instead of just the generic Inbox

Explain the problem as you see it

The Inbox can get very flooded over time because of the one-way traffic. It becomes very boggy and difficult to process. Often, I find myself thinking that if I had the choice, I would be able to sort it immediately on capture, instead of having to do it twice in a row.

The current method would be:

  • Capture a link by Share menu on mobile, or a web-capture equivalent via the API
  • With some modifications, we can add a supertag to the inserted link (but the official capture app does not provide this too)
  • The link is left inside the Inbox (and usually it's unprocessed, meaning that it becomes a clickable link with a URL field, but it does not automatically convert into a website title with opengraph details, or embed if it is a youtube video).

Why is this a problem for you?

  1. The inbox becomes very heavy to process over time.
  2. Wasted time, because when we can process it up-front (at the time of capture), we are forced to shift the time of processing (i.e. shifting nodes around, tagging, etc) to when we actually go through the Inbox. Also, we may forget the context in which it was captured by the time we process it.

Suggest a solution

Here's how the Chrome extension for Notion works - They allow you to directly send links and resources into pre-created databases (synonymous with Tana's live searches):

I propose:

  • Allowing us to supertag links shared via Share Menu, or any other captured method (or if there is an official capture extension on chrome, to do this too)
  • If tagged, to directly capture to the day node that it was captured, instead of hogging up the inbox.
  • Still allowing us to capture to Inbox if unsorted.

How is this useful?

  • If we have certain projects within Tana, we can directly send resources that we think is useful directly to the project, instead of having to process it along with other resources of other projects. It becomes double triaging.
  • We can sort things according to their nature - Notes, thoughts, voicenotes, twitter links, comments, etc

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