⚡️ Ideas
nikken koura nikken koura Sep 2, 2023

Command: new node in today

Explain the problem as you see it

I often open Tana when I want to write down some thought and Tana opens on some random node I was editing before. I can't start writing my thing right away.

Why is this a problem for you?

  1. I need to do some manual steps to start writing this node. E.g. find "Today node" in sidebar and then click on blank space and then do Cmd+. to zoom in.
  2. I see a bunch of stuff unrelated to what I wanted to focus on initially.

Suggest a solution

  1. One partial solution is Quick Add but it doesn't work if you want to solely focus your attention on the new node and want a zoomed mode on it. When you do Quick Add you then need to do Search to find this node and zoom into it.
  2. One partial solution that doesn't work for me is "Show today node" command, but it only opens today node in right panel. And so I still need to do 1. Focus Today panel. 2. Create and zoom in new node

I suggest 2 solutions:

  1. Add command "Open new node in Today" that will focus onto this new node immediately.
  2. Allow to zoom into node you're writing from "Quick Add" panel.

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