⚡️ Ideas
Winston Winston Aug 19, 2023

Workflow Modes

Explain the problem as you see it

Tana users all have different workflow preferences. Sometimes we switch between different modes of working as well.

Why is this a problem for you?

It's not a problem, but it would definitely solve the issue of needing to do some stuff manually. It would improve friction.

Suggest a solution

I thought that this would fulfill some interesting workflow modes for varying users in Tana. I'm dreaming of several options:

1) Time-tracking mode: I'm fantasising about having the 'timestamp' of the time that the node is created on the left side of the node's bullet symbol.

(I have lousy graphic skills, so the aesthetic is likely not to please, but you get the idea)

2) No-distraction mode: Sidebar vanishes. Just plain text, 'Tana and I' mode.

3) Long-form mode: All fields/live searches vanish from the page. All 'bullets' vanish. Everything is typed in prose, or at least indented. Gingko comes to mind.


4) Maintenance mode: Find duplicates/similar nodes and merge them, empty the trash can, merge one tag into another tag, split tags, configure settings, debug, etc.