⚡️ Ideas
Winston Winston Aug 9, 2023

Extended pagination controls

Explain the problem as you see it

Regarding this:

  1. There is no simple way to go to a specific page, or to navigate to the first/last page.
  2. The content varies vertically (bigger/smaller) and hence this navigation arrow jumps up and down, making it difficult to scroll through quickly.

Why is this a problem for you?

I use pagination to help save vertical screen estate.

Sometimes the pagination can become very long when it spreads to at least 10 pages. It becomes very difficult to navigate as well because the content of the field/node will expand or contract vertically. So clicking the arrow becomes a task of hunting down where the arrow has gone to.

Furthermore, wanting to go all the way to the last page or 9th page can be really painful in such a case.

Suggest a solution

Not sure how it can be done, but steadying the appearance of the arrow as I scroll past pages on where my cursor is would be a nice fix.

Otherwise, making the ability to enter a specific page number and hitting enter to scroll to that page would be cool.