⚡️ Ideas
Mark Fishman Mark Fishman Aug 7, 2023

Keyboard shortcut for "move one level higher/lower"

Explain the problem as you see it

Sometimes I click on a referenced node (say, an open todo from a live search) and want to find the parent nodes that give context. Right now in Tana, I would have to use the cursor to go click on the breadcrumbs in order to do this.

In Roam, the cmd+> shortcut zooms in one level, and cmd+< zooms out one level. In Tana, these shortcuts map to moving forwards and backwards. I would prefer to have a shortcut for zooming in and out of levels.

Further discussion here: https://tanacommunity.slack.com/archives/C02DAJLUJBV/p1690295899790109

Why is this a problem for you?

Slows down my workflow by needing to use my cursor

Suggest a solution

Change keyboard shortcuts or create a new set