Comment #⁨6⁩

I really enjoy using Tana, and I see it as my ultimate source of truth. But as powerful as it is, there are other apps out there that specialize in very specific functions that I find Tana is not always best suited for, or is lagging a bit behind in terms of usability.

Some examples:

  • is one of the best meeting notes taker and I would find it extremely valuable to be able to update a meeting supertag with the output of a meeting.
  • I use Akiflow to prioritize all my inbound tasks from various sources such as email, or Project management tools that I personally use within our company.

These are just some examples of apps that I use BUT seeing how evolved the productivity app space has gotten, I'm sure that others will have a go to app that they prefer. It's not to say that this can't all be accomplished within Tana, but sometimes, it's best to source other tools that are specific in their own domain.