Explain the problem as you see it
Descriptions are essential but not significant to all viewings
Descriptions take up real estate.
Descriptions dilute the content.
Descriptions could hold more information if we knew we need not be always faced with them.
Everything OS doesn't stand for Everything On Show.
Why is this a problem for you?
I use the descriptions to remind me what things are and what they are for and to add detail to clarify the node it accompanies. But the ability to hide them would concentrate the material in size thereby focusing productivity.
Suggest a solution
via Command line.
Hide all Descriptions / Show all Descriptions [ Global Toggle ]
Set Description to Visible / Set Description to Hidden [ Individual nodes set to ignore global toggle ]
Thank you Tana Team
1 Comment
I don't know how there isn't more support behind this. This seems like a no-brainer. Thanks for posting it though, hope that we will see this functionality soon!