⚡️ Ideas

Option to Show Empty Days when Grouping by Date/Due date

Explain the problem as you see it

I am a big fan of viewing my tasks as "cards" and grouping them by "due date".
This basically creates a feature as it is common in Trello or Sunsama. The problem is, that it only shows groups with dates. It would be fantastic to have an option to view groups for all dates to allow for quick postponing or rescheduling. This could be an extra feature just for grouping cards with the date.

Here is a screenshot. What I would love to heave, is an empty group for Sunday the 16th and Tuesday the 18th and so on.

CleanShot 2023-07-14 at 23.18.51.png

Why is this a problem for you?

It's unintuitive and doesn't allow for rescheduling. Calendar view would work but it doesn't meet my visual expectations and doesn't display all fields when expanded inline.

Suggest a solution

When grouping cards with their due date, add an option to add empty groups for all days where no card is assigned.

As in calendar weekly view. Perhaps only show 7 days with <- and -> buttons to switch between weeks.