Comment #⁨13⁩

This missing functionality exactly my issue.
I thought at first it was the issue captured here>
but really I just need the simple ability to have multi-line nodes.

It's driving me crazy that I can't write notes and tag an entire "paragraph" (or page).
Here is an example:
I have input from a user study. I wrote the note, but I can't write each separate input point in one giant run-on paragraph which is what Tana wants me to do to treat the information as one "node" of info. In reality, I need separate lines for each point I capture - but I don't want each point to be tagged individually. They make no sense unless they are part of the whole. So I want to create a note (not node) that has my list of input from my user study and treat that entire note as one entity to tag and reference.

I want to find the entire note with the intro paragraph and all the "points" (nodes). They are one whole and are meaningless if separated. But I can't do this with Tana.

Nodes are great and important. But, of course, we need to be able to look at, and act on, a set of nodes (i.e., a page) as one entire unit.

If Tana doesn't support this, then they are letting the backend data structure dictate how users think and use Tana. That would not be good for the long term.

This is exactly what is stopping me from using Tana as my repository.
Thanks for listening!