Explain the problem as you see it
There's no current way to interact with references without zooming into the specific node itself, and there's no way to know how many references a node has without turning on the "hidden" function to show the Reference Counter.
References/mentions are a critical function of an outliner, an they are buried here in Tana and useful only by zooming, or by reaching for the mouse.
Why is this a problem for you?
In Workflowy, I relied on being able to quickly (and without a mouse) twirl down all references (aka Backlinks). They were treated like regular nodes. At one point someone at Tana said: "Everything is a Node." Well, it doesn't feel like References are treated like Nodes since I can't use the same ⌘+↓ shortcut to reveal them. I have to: enable the Reference Counter, then click the reference counter icon... this builds unnecessary friction.
Suggest a solution
Make References an expandable node in the tree, without requiring the Reference Counter or the mouse, so that you don't need to Zoom In to them to see them.
Video appears too large for this page / wouldn't upload, but there is one on Slack. Reference image here.