⚡️ Ideas
James King James King Jun 29, 2023

Show number of search results

Explain the problem as you see it

When creating a live search. I often want to know how many nodes are returned by a search, but can't see this information.

Why is this a problem for you?

  • I want to know how many returned results there are in a live search
  • I want an easy way to check that a live search has "got them all"
  • I want to know how different search parameters are affecting the number of returned results

Suggest a solution

At the foot of a search, display the number of live search results. This could be combined with the pagination controls

⁨1⁩ ⁨Comment⁩

Also, it’s really valuable to see which search nodes have results within them, and which don’t. I have live searches setup in lots of supertags, like ”topic” for example. Do I have 0 or 22 fleeting notes about @Tana? It’s useful to know. If there are 0, then I won’t bother expanding it. The same for ANY topic/live search.