⚡️ Ideas
James King James King Jun 24, 2023

Copy as… [choice of formats]

Explain the problem as you see it

When copying content from Tana, I often want to paste it somewhere other than Tana.

For example I want to copy a table-view of nodes and paste into a spreadsheet like Excel or Google Sheets.

Currently when pasting into another tool, you end up pasting the Tana Paste format which the other tool does not know how to deal with adequately.

Why is this a problem for you?

Getting data out of Tana for ad-hoc use-cases, like sharing data is currently not possible through copying and pasting.

Suggest a solution

A lot of apps allow you to "copy as" a variety of formats. cmd-Clicking on a node could have a menu-option to Copy as and then offer a list of formats. Some formats which would be very useful:

  • Plain text (as described here)
  • CSV for pasting Tana content into a spreadsheet