⚡️ Ideas
Andric Tham Andric Tham Jun 23, 2023

Rich media blocks beyond YouTube (OG cards for links, Tweets, Github gists, Figma)

Explain the problem as you see it

  • The Tana Capture app shows a rich media preview of links with OG metadata, but that isn’t preserved when you view it in the Tana app.

  • Links to tweets don’t show up. Capacities does a great job here of unrolling the tweet into a thread, and other tools like Notion and Roam use Twitter’s embed to show the first tweet.

  • For collaboration on projects, embedding Figma files and GitHub Gists are essential. There are probably many more low-hanging fruit (look at what Notion supports for ideas).

Why is this a problem for you?

Tana wants to be a replacement for Notion and Roam, but:

  • You can’t use it as a bookmarking app for tweets like Notion
  • You can’t use it as a thinking space like Roam where you can thread ideas from Twitter
  • You can’t use it as a space to collaborate with others on projects like Notion, since media blocks from other tools aren’t embeddable. Tana can’t do everything, and you need to use other tools together with it.

Suggest a solution

  • When I paste a link to a tweet, unroll that tweet and corresponding thread for me by parsing the webpage
    • Twitter links in my space should be preprocessed in the same way when this feature is launched
  • When I paste a link to a webpage, grab the webpage’s favicon, title, description, and cover image and use that to style and populate the link node
    • Preprocess all raw URLs that are already in my space without a custom title
  • Nice to have: Continue to support multimedia embeds from other apps as an ongoing development effort, eventually reaching parity with Notion. If Tana wants to replace Notion for team collaboration, this is a non-negotiable feature that’s table stakes.

⁨4⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

I agree. I'd love to have embeddable tweets or the ability to extract the content via API. looking forward to tweets in particular! What would also be cool would be the ability to extract twitter profiles involved in the thread opening

This would be great. I would really like to use tana as a bookmarking tool as well but so far one can only have a list of urls. Being able to have embedded links with cover image etc. would be much nicer.