⚡️ Ideas
Greg Hadley Greg Hadley Jun 17, 2023

Improve Panels

Explain the problem as you see it

It would be nice to be able to drag and drop panels to customize view, or be able to "send to" a certain direction. I imagine it working like the Rectangle window control app for mac.

Why is this a problem for you?

Because it is difficult to get my panels arranged properly.

Suggest a solution

Add 'Rectangle' (Mac app) like functionality to panels.

⁨2⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

Additional problem: only main panel is fully functional (e.g., you cannot switch out of node in side panel to another node - an only use live search IN that node to move somewhere else)

It's a problem because...
When working on multiple nodes at a time it can be difficult to remember that one panel is relatively static while the other is fully functional. Makes moving around to multiple nodes in multiple panels simultaneously difficult.

Make all panels fully functional (as in can use search or sidebar to move to another node in side panel)

Certainly is weird to not be able to grab a panel at its header bar and simply drag it into some corner or to some edge of the screen and have it arrange like it works in vscode for example.