Comment #⁨5⁩

Looking in the source shows that the library Tana is using for the emojis has a really nice list of synonyms for each emoji. The total set is a whopping 750Kb in size, and it's quite comprehensive with a really nice list of alternative names for each symbol

        emoji: "👤",
        description: "bust in silhouette",
        version: "0.6",
        keywords: ["bust", "bust in silhouette", "silhouette"],
        category: "person-people",
        group: "people-body",
        subgroup: "person-symbol"
        emoji: "💡",
        description: "light bulb",
        version: "0.6",
        keywords: ["bulb", "comic", "electric", "idea", "light"],
        category: "objects",
        group: "objects",
        subgroup: "light-video"

The one that I trip over most often is the play button:

        emoji: "▶️",
        description: "play button",
        version: "0.6",
        keywords: ["arrow", "play", "play button", "right", "triangle"],
        category: "symbols",
        group: "symbols",
        subgroup: "av-symbol"

Unfortunately, Tana discards all of those useful labels and builds its own very strange list with just one single name for each emoji. ▶️ is only permitted to be called arrow_forward, ⏹️ must be called the black_square_for_stop even though it's a white square with a blue border (for me, at least). 🤦‍♂️is man-facepalming, 🤦‍♀️ is woman-facepalming, but 🤦 is face_palm

As others have said, this isn't a huge issue as there are plenty of other ways to get emoji pickers, depending on your OS, but I'd love for it to be improved.

After the mobile app though. It can wait until after the mobile app. Please let it wait until after the mobile app.