⚡️ Ideas
Winston Winston Jun 7, 2023

Improvements in Live Search logic: Allow cross-generational queries

Explain the problem as you see it

This one has to do with the logic in searches. It was raised as a point by a subreddit member who uses Roam, and argued that this particular logic is unable to be replicated in Tana:

Link to comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/TanaInc/comments/13qv8t0/comment/jlj03oh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

So I tried it out.

In Roam, this is doeable as such:

In tana...

Why is this a problem for you?

Use-cases include:

1) Looking for something or a person mentioned in a project: Replace TERM-A with a project, TERM-B with something mentioned in the project
2) Looking for a node mentioned on a particular day

The advantage of this kind of query is that we can retrieve the actual node (not the parent node) where the logic conditions are fulfilled.

And I checked - yes, Roam can also handle deeper than 1-level-deep queries without fancy search operators. In this case it is two:

Suggest a solution

I suggest being able to have this type of cross-generational logic that would expand the capability of the Live Search much more. I'm sure many heavy users of the Live Search would agree.

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