⚡️ Ideas
Winston Winston Jun 6, 2023

Field Contents in a Live Search

Explain the problem as you see it

Hello, I thought this might be a pretty interesting feature. Given that fields are essentially like attributes that a node has, why not give them the ability to be queried according to that? This would give search new use-cases.

For example:

In this case, I'd like the Concepts filter to be automatically updated as an "OR" with the nodes contained within my Concepts field of the PARENT node. What this would enable me to do, is to find related claims that I can use my #reference node to support as well.

Why is this a problem for you?

I'm still trying to find a method to find related claims as easily as possible (this is still really difficult to accomplish quickly in Tana). Resurfacing is extremely important.

Suggest a solution

Would be nice to be able to quickly access the node's information (not only when initialised, but when updated/changed). If this is paired with the Live Search field, it could be really powerful.

⁨2⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

I have another usecase where I'd like to pull out all the content fields of a particular tag. For example, I'd like to pull out all the contents by filtering "#tag" AND ".summary" (summary field in #tag), then have it processed by AI to create a to-do list, triage, etc.