⚡️ Ideas
Tomasz Kaye Tomasz Kaye May 9, 2023

AI calls: give more visual information about API call progress

Explain the problem as you see it

Currently there's no indication of how far along the user's AI calls are.

Why is this a problem for you?

In some cases it's not clear whether the call has 'hung'/failed, while the spinner keeps spinning.
Having a better sense of the API call progress would help me decide whether to divert my attention to something else temporarily, or wait.

Suggest a solution

One improvement could be to have two distinct 'progress' states, reflected in the spinner animation.

  1. Prompt is being sent to GPT
  2. Tana is receiving GPT output.

One way of differentiating between states could be to have the node icon pulse (on/off) while data is being sent, and spin while data is being received.