⚡️ Ideas
Tomasz Kaye Tomasz Kaye May 3, 2023

Command triggers

Explain the problem as you see it

I'd like certain commands to run on certain nodes whenever i open a page, or whenever i log in, or on a repeating schedule.

For instance, for 'quantified self' style tracking, it'd be handy to automatically retrieve the weather for the day, from some weather API, each time a day node is accessed (if it hasn't already been retrieved) .

Why is this a problem for you?

I want to automate more of my workflow. I'd prefer not to have to click things that I can automate.

Suggest a solution

Add an 'triggered by' field for custom commands. One of the values for that field would be 'on node expanded/loaded', or something similar. (users would use node filters to avoid commands being run more than desired).

⁨1⁩ ⁨Comment⁩

Being able to programatically run commands is a huge unlock.

The use case that brought me here: I am using the Tana Input API to create nodes, but I'd like certain commands to run on them immediately. Unfortunately this currently requires me to fire the command manually when next in Tana.