First, I'm not a dev and I lack programming skills. Who among you has tried or proceeded to query or transfer the data encapsulated in the JSON backup that Tana offers? I am one of those who once a month generates a JSON backup (just in case...). I don't do it out of a deep fear or an apology for the local-first movement or anything like that (otherwise I wouldn't be using a cloud-based tool). But I am interested to know how you manage the information stored in this cloud, especially after months (already years) of entering company data, personal data, etc... consistently.
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First, I'm not a dev and I lack programming skills. Who among you has tried or proceeded to query or transfer the data encapsulated in the JSON backup that Tana offers? I am one of those who once a month generates a JSON backup (just in case...). I don't do it out of a deep fear or an apology for the local-first movement or anything like that (otherwise I wouldn't be using a cloud-based tool). But I am interested to know how you manage the information stored in this cloud, especially after months (already years) of entering company data, personal data, etc... consistently.