Date formating for title expresións to show exclusively time.
Example for a work cycle I use title expresions ${Start Date} - ${End Date} which results in the following:
Today, Wed, 28 Jun, 11:45 - Today, Wed, 28 Jun, 12:15
Desired output:
Suggest a solution:
unformatted field = ${Date Field}
formatted field = ${Date field|<mm:ss>}
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Date formating for title expresións to show exclusively time.
Example for a work cycle I use title expresions ${Start Date} - ${End Date} which results in the following:
Today, Wed, 28 Jun, 11:45 - Today, Wed, 28 Jun, 12:15
Desired output:
Suggest a solution:
unformatted field = ${Date Field}
formatted field = ${Date field|<mm:ss>}