⚡️ Ideas
Johannes Norheim Johannes Norheim Apr 19, 2023

Field value below field name (as opposed to the right)

Explain the problem as you see it

When completing a field value node with more complex information (for example, meeting notes for a "Notes" field or a text summary), I have less horizontal space to fit that writing in. The alternative is to zoom in on the node, which loses the context of other fields. See below for example on how much 'wasted space' there ends up being below the Notes field.

Screenshot 2023-04-19 094757.png

Why is this a problem for you?

I like having as much horizontal space as possible for prose text or writing multiple bullet points (nodes). The current formatting/UI for fields does not allow for this.

Suggest a solution

Allow for two views of fields: the default one (for shorter entries) and one that puts the field key (name) above and the entry below (almost like a section in a document) for longer/more complex entries.

⁨2⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

+1 here. another use case is when Tana tab is narrow (e.g. split viewing for doing conspects) and field name column width is fixed, while field value can become almost the same size as field name

CleanShot 2023-05-13 at 02.42.23@2x.png

Now I opted out from writing my conspect in "thoughts" field and created a thoughts node below, just so I'd get full horizontal space and ability to collapse this big node

Lack of compact field display is a major issue for Tana. It prevents me from having well structured supertags and discourages creating new fields where they would be really needed. Surprised so few people voted.